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Becoming Catholic

The Catholic Church is unlike any other organization on earth. In fact, it is more accurate to call the Church an “organism” – a living body: Christ’s body.

Why be Catholic?

To become Catholic is to become part of His body – a process that begins with Baptism and continues forever. Being Catholic in today’s world provides great challenges and opportunities for personal growth and self-awareness, and also a solid foundation for a life of community and relationship with God.

Eight Good Reasons for Being Catholic

Selected from, here are eight great reasons to be Catholic.

  1. An optimistic view of creation
  2. A universal vision
  3. A holistic outlook
  4. Personal growth
  5. Social transformation
  6. A communal spirit
  7. A profound sense of history
  8. A respect for human knowledge

Take a moment to read more in-depth information about these eight good reasons on the American Catholic website. Click here to read on.

Are you or someone you love interested in joining the Catholic Church?

Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is just for you. RCIA is a program for people interested in exploring and joining the Catholic Church. It begins with questions and leads to recieving the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation! Our Meetings will be held vitually as we begin this time of inquiary.  If you are interested in more information contact Fr. Godfrey Musabe by calling the rectory 781-595-7487 or by email at