The choir meets throughout the year to prepare music for all of Liturgical Celebrations. Women & Men of all ages are invited to be part of the music ministry. For more information call our Music Director, Patrick Caulfield 781-595-7487.
Our Lady's Sodality
This group is open to women for a reflective and meditative time for women to pray the rosary, attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and gather in fellowship following this time of prayer. The women sponsor various social activities as well as outreach programs throughout the year.
Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of adult parishioners who listen to the concerns of the wider parish and advise the pastor on issue pertaining to our life as a parish together. The council meets monthly. If you are interested, please contact the rectory at 781-595-7487 for more information.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is an association of Catholic men and women working to help the poor and promoting human dignity. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society is active in feeding the hungry, visiting the elderly, and providing temporary relief (utilities, medical) to the needy of our area. We, the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, are committed to serving the community through outreach programs that target the elderly and the poor. For more information or to learn how you can share your time and talents with the community, please call the Collaborative Office at 781-595-7487.
Outreach to the Ill/Homebound
Please let us know if you have a family member or know of someone who is ill, in the hospital, in a short or long term facility. We would be happy to pay a visit to offer prayer, communion, or the Sacrament of the sick. Contact Fr. Godfrey Musabe at 781-595-7487.
Altar Server
Host Catholic Collaborative Altar Servers, serve at the altar during Mass. Training sessions are held several times during the year. Candidates must be at least 8 years old. Please contact Fr. Godfrey Musabe at 781-595-7487 if you are interested in becoming an altar server.
Eucharistic Minister
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist in the distribution of the Body and Blood of our Lord at all Masses. Eucharistic Ministers are confirmend, practicing Catholics. Training sessions are held several times during the year. Candidates must be have made thier Confirmation. Please contact Fr. Bob Poitras at 781-595-7487 if you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister.
Lectors are trained to proclaim the Word of God at parish liturgies and to recognize that they are proclaiming the Word of God in our midst. Lectors prepare the readings before coming to Mass each week. Training is available and required for all persons in this ministry. If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact Fr. Bob Poitras at 781-595-7487.
Rite of Christian Initiation – is process of initiation to meet the needs of men, women, and older children who are not baptized, or baptized in the Roman Catholic Church but who have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, or baptized in another Christian church that wish to join the Catholic Church. If you are interested in RCIA, please contact Fr. Godfrey at 781-595-7487.